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RNS alerts via SMS text message

Find out about receiving RNS alerts by SMS text message directly to your mobile phone for any FTSE listed company. Our SMS RNS alerts offer both international SMS coverage and full tracking facilities.

SMS Alerts


Benefits of receiving RNS alerts by SMS text message include....

  • Quick and easy setup
  • Setup multiple mobile numbers
  • International SMS coverage supported
  • No direct Internet connection required; uses mobile signal
  • Full SMS tracking
  • Reliability; this option does not rely on third party applications
  • Priority service; our SMS alerts are dispatched first-in-queue

Our RNS alerts by SMS text message are ideal for those investors who wish to be alerted by SMS text message whenever any company releases a new RNS news update on the London Stock Exchange.

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* Please note; as of 1st February 2020, all RNSalert accounts require a yearly subscription of £6.95.