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Discover the range of services we offer including a comparison of the delivery options and pricing information. You can choose to receive RNS alerts by email, Twitter Direct Message, or SMS straight to your mobile phone.

Due to licensing restrictions, the alerts we send out do not contain any specific data about the RNS. Our alerts contain a notice that an RNS has been released which includes a link to the London Stock Exchange website where you will be able to view the full RNS.

Email Alerts

Reliability Good

Tracking Moderate

Price per alert FREE

Yearly Subscription £6.95

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Twitter Alerts

Reliability Moderate

Tracking Good

Price per alert FREE

Yearly Subscription £6.95

Details Register

SMS Alerts

Reliability Excellent

Tracking Excellent

Price per alert £0.25

Yearly Subscription £6.95

Details Register

Reliability Good Moderate Excellent
Tracking Moderate Good Excellent
Price per alert FREE FREE £0.25
Yearly Subscription £6.95 £6.95 £6.95
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